By: Tebogo Mokwena
While an investigation into the barriers of entry into the property sector for small black property practitioners is near completion, the new CEO of the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority, Thato Ramaili, says transformation remains a concern. She told Vutivi News that the investigation would make recommendations on allegations that small practitioners were paying high accreditation fees and being barred from certain areas. Ramaili said the PPRA was running programmes to ensure that transformation and entry into the industry by black players were guaranteed.
The investigation follows a number of allegations of racism by small property practitioners, including real estate owners. The PPRA strongly reiterated its warning against racism and estate owners extorting accreditation fees from the practitioners. “The PPRA received several complaints from property practitioners alleging that they are required to pay accreditation fees to trade in certain estates,” Ramaili said. “Property practitioners are reminded that one of the PPRA’s strategic focuses is transformation and inclusivity in the property sector and views these illegal practices as regressive and anti-transformative. “To this end, the PPRA hereby implores property practitioners to conduct their business within the ambit of the PPA (Property Practitioners Act) 22 of 2019 and its regulations.”
Meanwhile, Ramaili said the PPRA was partnering with the Services Seta to run a youth empowerment programme called One Learner, One Property Practitioner. It pairs potential property practitioners with experienced practitioners to enable them to gain practical experience under the supervision of their mentors for one year. The objective, she said, was to ensure that the learners become business owners after meeting the education and training requirements. “Once learners are qualified, unlike some white established brands who think that training these learners is like training future competition, they will be used as anchors of transformation in the future,” she said.