We all have dreams. It is not always easy to realise them. I have had many business ideas that could have led me to realise my dreams. Many of them generated excitement, making me feel like I would wake up and start executing them without delay.
But excitement would be followed by procrastination and ultimately loss of interest. It was almost as if I had switched on the repeat button, as what I had once considered great ideas would wilt away with disempowering frequency.
I have decided to smash the destructive repeat button. I left my last full-time employment where I was the political editor of Sowetan, the iconic South African daily paper. I have been a journalist for almost two decades. I enjoyed the unpredictable and adrenalin-driven profession in different media houses as a prominent writer, podcaster, commentator and, at some point, a producer of current affairs show.
But I remain committed to journalism – the type that perfectly combines my professional know-how with my long-suppressed dream of owning a journal that could directly enrich the lives of many people. I write to you, dear reader, to announce the launch of this niche platform that will cater for the much-talked about but less-done about sector: the small and medium business sectors.
Few would disagree that this sector is critical to the development and wellbeing of our economy. Yet, for far too long very little has been invested by mainstream media outlets to provide a platform that can report on this sector, provide information that could enable emerging entrepreneurs and the value chain stakeholders they serve, to share experiences in ways that boost growth.
Vutivi Business News, is the digital news and information platform that I have founded after more than a year of consultation and research. It is an answer to the market gap.
Vutivi (knowledge in XiTsonga) will bring digital news to SMEs to empower them to do better. They will be provided with the platform showcase their offerings, tell their stories of innovation, resilience, struggles and dynamism.
Vutivi recognises that big multinational companies started as small businesses that were propelled by the entrepreneurship spirit of wonderful business people. It is within this context that they too have a special place in Vutivi.
Vutivi Business News will be published weekly, every Thursday, for free. Other services linked to the news and information offering will be announced in due course. I would like to invite you to share stories of your entrepreneurial journeys, the successes, the hard knocks, the lessons, the obstacles, the joy, and all that comes with establishment of businesses.
I hope the shared stories and information will inspire all of us to start or grow our businesses and reverse the intolerable levels of unemployment. As the saying goes “if you want to sit on a shade – plant a tree”.
You are kindly invited to share some tips on how we can improve Vutivi’s offering. Your growth is ours.
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